Our Sermons
Click a sermon below for that week's Service
The Audacity of Peace 12/06/2020
Advent Hope: What God Alone Can See 11/29/2020
To Love or Not to Love. That is the Question 11/22/2020
Moment of Encountering God 11/15/2020
God's Experiential Power 11/08/2020
The Power and Pleasure in Praising God 11/01/2020
What is Caesar's and What is God's? 10/25/2020
The Lord's Prayer 10/11/2020
The Power of Persistent Prayer 10/04/2020
Events While Waiting for the Lord 9/27/2020
Riding the Struggle Bus (The Rev. Christi Brown) 9/20/2020
FAITH WINS OUT 9/13/2020
A Tale of Two Cities 9/06/2020
Do We Want It Bad Enough 8/30/2020
The Lord Is My Shepherd 8/23/2020
A Bridge Over the River of Faith 8/16/2020
A New Discovery IN 8/09/2020
What is Heaven Like? 8/02/2020
The Parable of the Mustard Seed 7/26/2020
There is a River 7/19/2020
The Sower and the Seed 7/12/2020
The Cost of Liberty 7/5/2020
A Forgiving Father 6/21/2020
It's Good for What Ails You 6/14/2020
Our First Concern, His Last Command 6/7/2020
When God's Wind Blows 5/31/2020
Life Does Have Meaning 5/24/2020
Christ Promises His Peace in Times of Trouble 5/17/2020
Here is Your Son Here is your Mother 5/10/2020
Walking Through the Valleys of Life 5/3/2020
Coping With The Coronavirus 4/26/2020
Holy Heartburn 4/19/2020
The Hope of Glory 4/12/2020
When The Cheering Stopped 4/5/2020
Lazarus, It's Time To Get Up 3/29/2020
The Well With Living Water 3/15/2020
The View From the Mountaintop 2/23/2020
Job and the Tornado 2/16/2020
David and Communion 2/2/2020
The Beginning: The Story of Our Broken World 1/19/2020
God's Good Earth 1/12/2020
In The Beginning 1/5/2020
Frosty The Snowman 12/29/2019