About Us
Founded in 1981
We are a small church with a big heart.
Here to Glorify God and to share Christ in word and deed.
The Presbytery of the Piedmont, now known as Foothills Presbytery, began to see a need in the North Spartanburg area, and in cooperation with The Rev. Ed McIlwain, began plans for a Presbyterian congregation. The Rev. McIlwain, after advertising in the newspaper, sponsored an ice cream social at his home. Sixty people attended and listened to the plans for forming a new church; half of that group responded. Those original thirty gave birth to the mission congregation.
Meetings in the beginning were held in a local church in the Boiling Springs area. Growth necessitated a change. God had pin-pointed the site for the church. A 12-acre plot of land was purchased in October 1981, at the corner of Rainbow Lake Road and Bible Church Road. On December 5, 1981 it was voted that the name would be Unity Presbyterian Church. Two Bibles were given by Anne and Henry Seay, in memory of Anne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Montgomery. The Bibles are in the Church Parlor.
The ground breaking was on April 25, 1982. Upon completion, the building was dedicated on September 12, 1982. The Rev. Phil Southerland, of Greenville Presbyterian Church, was the speaker. It was organized with 96 members. Unity began sponsoring a Cub Scout Pack and a Boy Scout Troop. In October, the Women of the Church was organized. On November 17, 1982, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church donated the Bibles for use in the sanctuary.
Fast forward to 2022 - Unity Celebrated their 40th Anniversary in a big way in our Family Life Center. We had past members come join us and old and new friends. There were many reasons to celebrate. We are very grateful for being able to come together like that and yet we have to face that many of our members are older and simply cannot attend church anymore, and many have moved to different areas in and out of the state.
Changes had to happen and they did. Sometimes we need God to tell us what our ministry is and this led Joshua Generation Church, originally from South Africa to our sanctuary. They now meet every Sunday in our Family Life Center and are growing and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are so blessed to have them. Here is their website: https://joshgenupstate.com, and here is their FB page: Joshgen Upstate.
Then, the Holy Spirit led another church into our sanctuary - The 7th Day Adventists. This congregation is a blessing to us in many, many ways. They are mostly of Slavic backgrounds and many are refugees trying to rebuild their lives here in Boiling Springs. This congregation has shared so much of themselves and their culture with us and we cannot be more appreciative. They meet on Saturdays at
11 am to 1pm. Contact Andre is you have questions: 503 - 998 - 6094.
And then there is UNITY! We continue to meet every Sunday at 11 am to 12 noon. We continue to be fed by a variety of pastors each week as we search for our new part-time permanent pastor. Join any or all of us, but do join a church that works for you. It will change your life.